Uber Drivers Able To Make Over $8000 Monthly Driving Uber

Marc Mancuso
5 min readJan 26, 2021

Put in The Time Driving Uber And You Can Earn Much More!

Did you know that Uber Drivers Are Able to Make Over $8000 Monthly When Driving full time?

I have driven for Uber since 2014 with a 4.98 Rating as a VIP Platinum driver clocking in tens of thousands of trips earning myself a free 100% tuition paid by Uber to finish college with ASU. I have made some friends through driving and useful contacts. I enjoy my freedom to drive when I want and get paid daily into my bank account.

When you ask many people what they would want to do for a living, most of them will pick white-collar jobs that have them seated at a desk in comfortable swivel chairs all day every day without a thought. The truth is, such jobs give fixed incomes, occupy a lot of time, leave people fatigued and stuck in a perpetual hand to mouth cycle. People often search for side businesses and gigs productive enough to supplement their monthly salaries to break this cycle.

Is that you? Does that situation I just described sound eerily familiar? Well, look no further; have you ever wondered how much the average Uber driver earns monthly? You’d be surprised! Uber drivers can make up to $8,000 working full time in a month. Are you impressed? Just wait till you hear how much they earn in a year. Annually, an Uber driver’s income can reach up to $75,000! That’s more than a lot of people make in their 9–5 jobs where they push pencils and hack at keyboards all day long.
The best part is just how easy it is to start this money-making gig. What do you need? Nothing fancy. All you need is a driver’s license, National ID, Tax number, and a couple of other essential documents. Last but not least, you need to have a car that is in excellent working condition. Even if you don’t have one to drive, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Some companies rent out cars to Uber drivers. If you didn’t know before, now you do. It’s time to get out there and make money Uber driving.

Even if you don’t see yourself becoming a full-time Uber driver, that is just one more great reason to pick Uber driving as your side gig. There is no fixed time except a 6 hour rest period required from the app before returning out again. In your free time, on your off days, and even on holidays, you can drive around as you wait for a ride to be ordered and earn money. There are no evil bosses to pick on you for coming in late or hassle you to finish up your work before closing time because you are your boss.

Here is a Video of me driving part-time earning on average $125-$160 for 5 hours of driving. It depends on you really, how much you drive.

As an Uber driver, you can go home whenever you want to and even stop for a break or a meal at your discretion. Since it’s not a corporate job, you don’t have to dress up or anything. You can look as casual as you want so far as you look tidy, presentable, and smell nice too. Being an Uber driver also means you can request your payment at any time. Sometimes, customers might pay in cash, again, so you’re always sure to have some loose change around for fuel or other immediate needs like maintenance.

If you are honest with yourself, you’ll probably admit that it’s a great idea. The business requires almost no capital, and if you already have a car, most of your rides will probably be able to cover fueling and maintenance for your car with cash to spare. After a great month of fun, exciting and calm rides, getting the chance to earn over $8000 is the way to go.

The Uber drivers I spoke with when asked what they enjoyed the most about their job. Surprisingly, many answered that it wasn’t the easy money or the experience of driving to new places and exploring their cities opportunity to network. While some Uber riders prefer silence and music during rides, drivers say they also meet exciting or essential people who like to talk about anything and everything. Sometimes, a recommendation or a connection from these conversations can result in higher employment chances in well-paying companies. I find this to be one of the many perks of getting behind the wheel and choosing to spend your spare time productively.

New drivers might claim that their least favorite part of the gig is sitting still and waiting for customers to order the Uber rides. Never fear. Your time is money, and you should treat it as such. Instead of sitting and staring out into space uncomfortably, you can choose to invest that time by learning something new. You can pick up a language course and practice a new language in your spare time; this might help you earn tips when you surprise your foreign riders. Who knows, someday, you might be a foreigner yourself, and different language skills always be a bonus.
If you are a night owl and find it hard to sleep, there’s still money to be made.

You can head out to pick up late workers from companies, partygoers, and even stragglers. Just remember always to be careful and be security conscious, especially at night. When Uber driving, be polite to your customers. You will earn extra stars on the app and even tips from satisfied customers. Instead of being at home whining and complaining about just how difficult it is to make money with the country’s economy, get up, get yourself a car, put your license to use, and make money!

A few people might find themselves worried about what their friends and acquaintances might say about them picking up a driving job. This article is here to remind you that you need the money, not them. Besides, it’s honest work that is considered a fun pastime for people who enjoy driving long distances to clear their minds when worried about something. No matter how you look at it, Uber driving is a way for you to kill two birds with one stone. If it still bothers you, you can always drive to a more distant location where you have fewer chances of meeting such people. No matter your decision, remember that there is money to be made, and time waits for no man.

Finally, Uber driving can be anything you want it to be, a full-time job or a side gig. Either way, you can be sure you’ll always earn money. Since you are your boss, you can decide when to put in those extra hours. Either on busy nights when you can rake in your money or day time so you can sleep peacefully at home in the night. What are you waiting for? It’s time to sign up and make money!

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Marc Mancuso

Marketing Expert for 20 years teaching online courses to others who wish to learn the art of SEO in 2020.